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Root/Ornamental Crops >
Ornamental Kale
Ornamental Kale
Jing Red No.6
Medium-sized root, flattish round root, bright red skin color. Short petiole and less leaf number suitable for close planting. Smooth root skin, bright-red color, small diameter of rosette base and thin tail root. In 85 days after sowing, the hybrid produces roots of 10-11cm in length, 13-14cm in diameter and 1.3-1.4 kilograms in weight. Good for autumn production, sowing at the middle-last of July in Beijing for harvest 85 days later, row spacing is 50 cm, and plant spacing is 25cm. Plant in sandy soil, not plant in low-lying and waterlogging field.
Jing Red No.3
Leaf without lobelets, early maturity, resistant to virus, good taste.This hybrid is resistant to diseases and tolerant to heat. Root is deep red round shaped and the flesh is crystal white and good edible flavor. Can be harvested in 75-80 days after sowing. Roots are 13-14cm in length, 14-15cm in diameter and 1.6-1.7 kilograms in weight. Good for autumn production, sowing at the middle-last of July in Beijing for harvest 75 days later, row spacing is 50cm, and plant spacing is 25cm. Early maturity varieties, 75-day maturity, late harvesting will lead to pith hollow.
Jing Red No.4
High uniform and commercial product, good edible quality. Less leaf number suitable for close planting. Root is pink round shaped and good edible flavor. In 85 days after sowing, the root grows up to 14-15cm in length, 15-16cm in diameter and 1.6-1.7 kilograms in weight. Roots are very slow pithiness development and can be stored under 4℃ for four months. Resistance to viruses and soft rot. Good for autumn production, sowing at the middle-last of July in Beijing for harvest 85 days later, row spacing is 50cm, and plant spacing is 25cm. Plant in sandy soil, not plant in low-lying and waterlogging field.
Jing Red No.5
Medium-sized root, bright-red skin, good appearance. The hybrid has less leaf number suitable for close planting. Roots are bright-red round shaped, smooth skin, small diameter of rosette base and thin tail root. Can be harvested in 85 days after sowing. A root is 11-12cm in length, 12-13cm in diameter and 1.3-1.4 kilograms in weight. Good for autumn production, sowing at the middle-last of July in Beijing for harvest 85 days later, row spacing is 50cm, and plant spacing is 25cm. Plant in sandy soil, not plant in low-lying and waterlogging field.
Jing Red No.6
Medium-sized root, flattish round root, bright red skin color. Short petiole and less leaf number suitable for close planting. Smooth root skin, bright-red color, small diameter of rosette base and thin tail root. In 85 days after sowing, the hybrid produces roots of 10-11cm in length, 13-14cm in diameter and 1.3-1.4 kilograms in weight. Good for autumn production, sowing at the middle-last of July in Beijing for harvest 85 days later, row spacing is 50 cm, and plant spacing is 25cm. Plant in sandy soil, not plant in low-lying and waterlogging field.
New Man Tang Hong
Anti-cracking, bright red flesh, good taste. Vigorous plants has erective phyllome with dark-green leaves with few lobelets. The upper part of the oblong root is green and the bottom is white. The bright red flesh is sweet and crispy. Incidences of cracking is less than Man Tang Hong. The root has good storability. In 75-80 days after sowing the root grows up to 12-13cm in length and diameter, 1.3-1.5 kilograms in weight. Rich in sugar and vitamin C, sugar content is 3.88%, Vc content is 37.77mg/100g FW, anthocyanins content is 1.1069. Good for autumn production, sowing at the middle-last of July in Beijing for harvest before first frost, row spacing is 50cm, and plant spacing is 30cm, plant in sandy soil, improper irrigation will lead to abnormal root shape.
Jing Cui No.2
Medium late bolting, excellent taste. Dark-green leaf with lobelets, oblong shaped with green and white color. The flesh is bright red, crisp and highly nutritious, slow to develop pithiness. 75-80 days maturity. Bolting is 7-10 days later than Man Tang Hong when sowing in Spring. Good for spring green-house and autumn open field production. When sowing in spring, the temperature must be above 13℃. Plant in sandy soil, improper irrigation will lead to abnormal root shape.
Jing Cui No.1
Green skin and light green flesh, good taste and high yield.Semi-erective phyllome with deep green leaves. The root is oval shaped and the upper is green, the bottom is white. The light green flesh is sweet and crispy. In 75-80 days after sowing, the root grows up to 12-13cm in length, 12-13cm in diameter and 1.3-1.5 kilograms in weight. Good for autumn production, sowing at the middle-last of July in Beijing for harvest before first frost, row spacing is 50cm, and plant spacing is 25cm, plant in sandy soil, improper irrigation will lead to abnormal root shape.
Purple Gem
Green skin and light green flesh, good taste and high yield. Deep green leaves without lobelets. The root is round shaped and the skin is purple color. The purple flesh is sweet and crispy. In 75-80 days after sowing, the root grows up to 11-12cm in length, 12-13cm in diameter and 1.3-1.5 kilograms in weight. Good for autumn production, sowing at the middle-last of July in Beijing for harvest before first frost, row spacing is 50cm, and plant spacing is 25cm, plant in sandy soil, improper irrigation will lead to abnormal root shape.
Jingyan Mino Early
An extra long root is around 38-40cm in length, 6-7cm in diameter and 1.0-1.2kg in weight. White long-column shaped with a crisp pure white interior. The plant is half-erective phyllome, and dark-green leaf. 55-60 days maturity, high yield and good quality. Resistance: viruses. Good for autumn production, sowing at the middle-last of July in Beijing, row spacing is 50cm, and plant spacing is 30cm. Plant in sandy soil, not plant in low-lying and waterlogging field.
White Beauty
In 60 days after sowing, the root grows up to 28-30cm in length, 6-7cm in diameter and 1.0-1.1kg in weight. Root has good cylindrical shape, white skin color with green shoulder. Good for autumn production, sowing at the middle-last of July in Beijing, row spacing is 50cm, and plant spacing is 30cm. Plant in sandy soil, not plant in low-lying and waterlogging field.
Jingyan Lvxiu
This hybrid has deep green leaves and cylindrical shaped root. Can be harvested in 60 days after sowing. The root is 26-28cm in length, 7-8cm in diameter, 1.0-1.1kg in weight and has deep green shoulder. Resistant to virus and soft rot.Good for autumn production, sowing at the middle-last of July in Beijing, row spacing is 50 cm, and plant spacing is 30cm. Plant in sandy soil, not plant in low-lying and waterlogging field.
Red Cherry
Short stalk, grow well under low temperatures.This hybrid is half-erective phyllome, scarlet red skinned globe with a crisp pure white interior and relatively mild flavor. 25-30 days maturity. The root weighs 15 grams. Root growth is rapid under low temperatures. Resistance to virus and soft rot. Sowing in every season except for summer, low temperature will lead to slow growth, row spacing is 10cm, and plant spacing is 3cm.Improper sowing space and irrigation will lead to abnormal root shape, timely harvesting is important.
Green Leaf Radish
Leaf color is Dark green with less pubescence. The leafstalk is long, good for bunching. Leaf is soft and tasty. Can be harvested in 25-30 days after sowing.Timely sowing and harvesting, row spacing is 10cm, and plant spacing is 10cm, dense planting and overabundance nitrogen will lead to excessive growth.
Water Radish
Late bolting, diseases resistance, good marketability. The vigorous plant is erective phyllome with less leaf number. The root shape is short cylindrical and the skin color is pink. Flesh is crisp and mildly pungent. Can be harvested in 40-50days after sowing. The root is 12-13cm in length, 4-5cm in diameter and 150g in weight. Sowing in late of March in Beijing, row spacing is 10cm, and plant spacing is 10cm. Improper sowing space and irrigation will lead to abnormal root shape, timly harvesting is important.
Jing Red No.6
Jing Red No.3
Jing Red No.4
Jing Red No.5
Jing Red No.6
New Man Tang Hong
Jing Cui No.2
Jing Cui No.1
Purple Gem
Jingyan Mino Early
White Beauty
Jingyan Lvxiu
Red Cherry
Green Leaf Radish
Water Radish
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