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JingFan Tomato
Sweet / Hot Pepper
JingFan Tomato
Sweet / Hot Pepper
JingDan MiniHuangYu
Indeterminate type, mid-maturity, globe or slightly oblong fruit, 20-25g/fruit, bright yellow color, good flavor.
Guozhen No.1
Special rootstock tomato F1 hybrid, indeterminate type, multi-resistance to virus, Leaf Mould, Root-knot Nematode, Fusarium wilt and Verticillium wilt. Vigorous growth, strong root system, a good rootstock for both eggplant and tomato.
JingDan FenYu No.2
Determinate type, mid-early maturity, oblong fruit, 15-20g/fruit, pink at ripening, good shipping quality. Suitable for protected culture and open field production.
JingDan FenYu No.1
Indeterminate type, mid-early maturity, resistant to Root-knot Nematode and tolerant to heat, oblong fruit, 15-25g/fruit, pink at ripening, good taste and good shipping quality.
JingDan CaiYu No.3
Indeterminate type, mid-maturity, long-oval fruit, dark purple color with green stripes, 35g/fruit, good flavor, suitable for protected culture.
JingDan CaiYu No.1
Indeter minate type, mid-maturity, long-oval fruit, red fruit with golden stripes, 35g/fruit, good flavor. Suitable for protected culture.
Hong Beibei
Indeterminate type, mid-maturity, resistant to TYLCV, vigorous growth, flat round fruit, red color, 50g/fruit, firm fruit tolerant to cracking, good shipping quality, suitable for protected culture. Good for cluster harvest.
HongMan No.1
Indeterminate type, mid-late maturity, resistant to TYLCV,vigorous growth, oblong fruit with nipple-blossom end, red color, 80-100g/fruit, tolerance to cracking, good shipping quality. Good for cluster harvest. Suitable for long season production under protected culture.
Indeterminate type, mid-late maturity, vigorous growth and high resistance, oblong fruit, golden color, 70-90g/fruit, good flavor, cracking resistance, good shipping quality, suitable for protected culture.
JingDan HuangYing No.2
Determinate type, mid-maturity, oblong fruit, 15-20g/fruit, yellow color, excellent flavor, good shipping quality.
JingDan HuangYing No.1
Indeterminate type, mid-maturity, oblong fruit, 15-20g/fruit, yellow color, sweet and good taste, good shipping quality.
JingDan MiniHuangYu
Indeterminate type, mid-maturity, globe or slightly oblong fruit, 20-25g/fruit, bright yellow color, good flavor.
JingDan HuangYu
Indeterminate type, mid-maturity, long-oval fruit, tender yellow color, 35-50g/fruit, good flavor.
JingDan LvBaoShi No.2
Indeterminate type, mid-maturity, oblong shape, green fruit at maturity like emerald, 15-20g/fruit, good taste and excellent quality. Resistant to cracking. Suitable for protected culture.
JingDan LvBaoShi
Indeterminate type, mid-maturity, round and green emerald-like mature fruit, 20g/fruit, very good taste and excellent quality. Suitable for protected culture.
JingDan No.5
Indeterminate type, mid-early maturity, good fruit setting ability, oblong fruit, bright red color, sweet and excellent flavor, cracking resistance. Suitable for protected culture.
JingDan No.6
Indeterminate type, mid-maturity, tomato-tree type great for agriculture tourism, big cherry tomato, firm fruit, cracking resistance, high sugar content, excellent flavor, resistant to ToMV, with leaf mould resistant gene Cf9 and tolerance to Fusarium wilt. suitable for long season production under protected culture and tomato-tree for farm tour.
BeiYa No.6
Determinate type, early-maturity, oblong fruit, 15g/fruit, bright red color, tolerant to heat and good for shipping.
JingDan No.8
Indeterminate type, mid-maturity, 20g/fruit, round fruit with bright red color at ripening, sweet and excellent flavor.
JingDan No.1
Indeterminate type, mid-early maturity, 15g/fruit, round fruit with bright red color, excellent flavor, brix 8-10%, suitable for long season production under protected culture.
JiaHong No.7
Indeterminate type, resistant to ToMV and tolerance to Fusarium wilt. 150-180g/fruit, no green shoulder bright red at ripening, firm fruit good for shipping, suitable for long season production under protected culture.
XianKe No.8
ndeterminate type, mid-maturity, resistance with Mi Gene to Root-knot Nematode, with leaf mould resistant gene Cf9 and tolerance to Fusarium wilt. No green shoulder, pink at ripening, 200g/fruit, tolerant to cracking, best growing in protected facilities with serious Root-knot Nematode problem.
XianKe No.6
Indeterminate type, mid-early maturing variety, resistant to Root-knot Nematode, resistant to ToMV, with leaf mould resistant gene Cf9 and tolerance to Fusarium wilt, pink at ripening, 200-300g/fruit, best for protected facilities with serious root-knot nematode production in spring and autumn as well as winter production in greenhouses.
XianKe 360
Newly bred indeterminate pink tomato with TYLCV and nematode(Mi) resistances. Mid-early, strong vigor, produces round/tall round fruits of 200g in average weight, maximum up to 500g. Fruits have uniform green shoulder, and mature fruits are firm, crack-resistant, and have attractive glossy pink. Well suited for plastic hoop house production in spring and autumn as well as winter production in greenhouses.
XianKe No.1
Indeterminate type, mid-early maturity, 180-200g/fruit, uniform green shoulder, pink at ripening. Firm fruit good for shipping. Resistant to Root-knot nematode(Mi), resistant to ToMV, with leaf mould resistant gene Cf9 and tolerance to Fusarium wilt. Variety likes heavy dose of Potassium
YingFen No.8
Indeterminate type, mid-maturing variety, pink at ripening, 200-300g/fruit, resistant to ToMV, with leaf mould resistant gene Cf9 and tolerance to Fusarium wilt, suitable for plastic house production in spring & autumn. Also good for open field production in spring. Variety likes heavy dose of Potassium.
JingDan MiniHuangYu
Guozhen No.1
JingDan FenYu No.2
JingDan FenYu No.1
JingDan CaiYu No.3
JingDan CaiYu No.1
Hong Beibei
HongMan No.1
JingDan HuangYing No.2
JingDan HuangYing No.1
JingDan MiniHuangYu
JingDan HuangYu
JingDan LvBaoShi No.2
JingDan LvBaoShi
JingDan No.5
JingDan No.6
BeiYa No.6
JingDan No.8
JingDan No.1
JiaHong No.7
XianKe No.8
XianKe No.6
XianKe 360
XianKe No.1
YingFen No.8
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